Certified agency
We believe it's important that you can rely on our careful, professional, and safe approach. Invite holds the necessary quality marks and certifications for staffing agencies. This demonstrates that we meet requirements related to administration, payments, and security, among others. Every year, this is reassessed by external organizations.

Being a responsible employer is a top priority for Invite, which is why Invite has joined the ABU. This association not only ensures that members meet the highest quality standards, but also that employees can be offered an excellent collective labor agreement (CAO).

''Stichting Doorzaam'' strives to sustainable employability. At Invite, we consider it important that our employees can continue to develop themselves. We believe that education and training contribute to personal growth and workplace satisfaction.

Invite holds the SNA quality mark. With this certification from ''Stichting Normering Arbeid (SNA)'' Invite is NEN 4400-1 certified, demonstrating that Invite's personnel administration and all payments, including income tax and social security contributions, are in order.

The coffee is ready for you.
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The right candidate doesn't have to be far away. Contact one of our 7 offices near you for a non-committal introduction.